102 Power Words You Need To Hook Your Customers

Prince Kapoor
19 July, 2022
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102 Power Words You Need To Hook Your Customers
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You read an advertisement and what? You felt so compelled to buy what the advertisement is selling. Give me a high five đŸ™ if this sounds similar to you.

Chances are your eyeball got stuck to its amazing visuals or may be to its colors. But sometimes when it’s all textual, A single quote or more specifically a single “word” grab your attention so hard that you are biased to buy it for your own.

Yes, definitely some hook words are there that cater such a huge difference. Especially in the marketing world, Language is always considered as the most potent tool. When used effectively, it can do wonders that you have never imagined.

Marketers and advertisers are constantly harnessing the power of these influential sales words to sell you things.

Though, the argument is still there among people who consider marketing as a concept of visuals and multimedia rich mode. For their kind information, Language is still the strongest weapon that can benefit you with number of leads and can increase your sales.

We often come across some phrases like “Join Us” or “Sign Up”. Although, both phrases serve the same purpose and ultimately ask visitors to drop their email addresses. But both terms express different emotions and the difference between these two is same as the difference between “fellowship” and “enlisting”.

“Join Us” has a personalized touch where “sign up” refers that you just want to increase your list.

So, you can see a single power word can change the way you feel about a button.

Sometimes you click on a headline, just because a single world strikes your mind. Similarly, sometimes you click on a Join Us button because the word creates an emotion.

You must be wondering: if a single word can create that much difference then what are those hook words I should start using too? What are those marketing words to attract customers and increase sales?

Let’s connect the dots then and have a look at this powerful words list, our experts are using in their marketing campaign

Language class chapter 1: Most persuasive words of English!


1. Because:

Giving reasons is always preferable. No one would commit on anything if you don’t narrate them why you want their cooperation. Let’s take an example!

“Excuse Me, I have some pages. Can I use Xerox Machine?” is an statement that generate less leads as compared to the statement “Excuse Me, Can I use Xerox Machine because I want to make some copies”. You can perform an A/B testing on these and let me know the results via the comment box below. Look at one of Reebok’s older slogan

Because ,life is not a spectator sport

No one can deny on the fact that it was the most successful slogan of the company.

It doesn’t matter what reasons you give to your customers, just add something with “because” to support your statement.

2. You :

As a marketer you should always write as if you are talking to your customers and about the customers rather than talking about yourself. The tiny term “You” is big enough to break the walls between you and your customers and gives your visitors a feeling that they are needed and important. It might feel like an illusion but trust me your customers feel it. So let your customers know that their values are acknowledged by using such business power words.
Think about the slogan of famous L’oreal :

Because, you’re worth it đŸ˜›

3. Free:

Well, we all like free things and that’s alright! There is no doubt the term “Free” captures everyone’s attention by default. So chances are really high to get more conversions when you use “Free ” in your Calls-to-action, headlines, email-subject lines and even in your opening sentences and paragraphs.

4. New:

People in our consumer world always want to be ahead of their peers while being in line with the latest trends and cool products. In one line, our whole consumer world is driven by the chase of new. People strive for new things in market and major portion of their searches revolves around the new-comings. So take advantage of these 3 characters and include it in your punchlines and give your customers a chance to jump upon something new.

Language class chapter 2: Most influential words of English!


5. Now:

Including “Now” in your statements bias your users to take an action immediately which is very good as no one wants to wait. This can work in both ways. It may appear to your customers that a certain offer is limited and you believe in instant action thus works as a perfect word to attract customers.

6. Offer:

Who don’t want an offer? I guess no one would raise a hand here. Obviously, offers fascinate everyone. So don’t neglect the introduction of this power word in your headlines, headings and email subject lines.

7. Announcing:

Think about your loyal customers. They always seek for some latest updates from your side and keep a constant eye on all your announcements. Power words and phrases for Announcements are made for awareness for a service or a product that is recently launched or updated.

8. Easy:

Everyone wants an easy going approach for everything whether it is for some easy installation process or some easy ways to take your customers to the next step of your purchasing process. Customers wants to know an easy approach for almost everything. So leverage the use of this positive sales word “easy” in your how to’s and other headlines.

9. Guaranteed/Proven:

Assure your customers with a feeling that they have everything to gain and nothing to lose. “Guaranteed” and “proven” are the magical marketing words to attract customers. With the association of these words, customers have your reassurance that their purchase is smart, efficient and wise one.

10. Love:

Whenever Love comes from a brand or a product, it by default brings the instant and efficient response from audience. “Love” shows customers that their purchase will be emotionally rewarding and that’s what you want to assure your customers, Isn’t it?

11. Exclusive/Secret:

These two words when used in writing give an impression to customers that a product or service is completely tailored for their demands. It’s usage is mainly focused on cajoling a customer. These are the attractive words for advertising that ensures a certain product is specifically for a group of customers and not for the masses.

Language Class Chapter 3: Powerful words to encourage community!


12. Join:

As stated earlier “Join Us” in place of “signup” adds up a layer of personalization at registration or when you are asking for subscriptions. It gives a sense of togetherness to your customers. It also ensures them that they are not only a part of growing list of users but a valuable asset to the organization.

13. Become a Member:

The phrase “Become a Member ” is to let customers know that their participation is much more than just being a regular customer.

14. Come along:

This phrase is again to show the synchronization between customers and organizers. They give customers a feel like they are participating something really larger than themselves.

Language class chapter 4: Some other words that imply scarcity!

These are the words that cause an immediate action since fear of losing an opportunity threatens customers and they take an immediate action. FOMO (Fear of missing out) often ends up with an exceptional hike in sales. You have also been noticing it, right?

Use such phrases in your emails, headings and promotional copies.

15. Limited Offer
16. Sale ends soon
17. Today only
18. Only 10 left
19. Offer available here
20. Now
21. Expires
22. Quick
23. Hurry
24. Going fast
25. Last Minute
26. Instantly
27. Immediately
28. Suddenly
29. At this moment

Language class chapter 5: Some words to make you feel safe!

These business power words and phrases when used in a language create trust among people and then they are more likely to convert. They showed that product and service is already tested and using it will give no harm. Hence encourages calls-to-action.

30. Best- selling!
31. Cancel anytime!
32. Certified
33. Money-back
34. Official
35. Protected
36. Tested
37. Verified
38. Authenticated
39. Lifetime
40. Proven
41. Risk-Free
42. Unconditional
43. Pledge
44. Safe
45. Straight-forward
46. Privacy
47. Painless
48. Success
49. Painless
50. No-questions
51. Endorsed

Language class chapter 6: Business Power words to add value to your products!

When you are selling a “Want” versus “Need”, you have to make sure people are aware of the luxury that you are promoting. And these positive sales words are powerful enough to give your product a premium feel. Use these powerful words for sales and bias your customers to buy it.

52. State-of-the-art
53. Hand-crafted
54. Spick and Span
55. Premium
56. Brand New
57. Invite-Only
58. Pristine
59. Luxurious
60. Introducing
61. Authentic
62. Limited-edition

Language class chapter 7: A list of comprehensive marketing power words!

63. Discover
64. Profit
65. Best
66. Win
67. Amazing
68. Latest
69. Basic
70. Complete
71. How to
72. Powerful
73. Learn
74. Help
75. Understand
76. Know
77. Special
78. Extra
79. Promote
80. Premiere
81. Create
82. Epic
83. Inspire
84. Massive
85. % signs
86. $ signs
87. Professional
88. Affordable
89. Detailed
90. Results
91. Highest

Language Class Chapter 8: Power words and phrases that express exclusivity!

92. Only for Members
93. Login Required
94. Invitation-only
95. Apply First
96. Be one of the few
97. Membership now closed
98. Be the first to hear about it
99. Only available to subscribers
100. Get it before everybody else
101. Open for you only
102. Alert for subscribers

Boost your blog traffic and increase your sales by using these powerful words list vocabulary. You might feel a little put off by the words mentioned above but don’t worry as you are not alone here. Just give an experiment to these words and see the difference in your business hit rate.

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Unlock the power of digital marketing expertise with Prince Kapoor, a seasoned professional with over 10 years of experience in the industry. Partner with him to elevate your business to new heights. Embrace strategic insights, proven tactics, and a wealth of knowledge for a successful online presence
By Prince Kapoor
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