[Ultimate List] of 130+ SEO Facts that Will Transform your Strategy in 2022

Prince Kapoor
13 March, 2023
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[Ultimate List] of 130+ SEO Facts that Will Transform your Strategy in 2022
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It is 2022, the pandemic still seems far from over, cryptocurrencies are rivaling against fiat, companies are getting comfortable with the work-from-home culture and technological advancements are witnessing greater heights. Amidst all such things happening around us, does investing in at least a decade-old technique like SEO still make sense?

The straightforward answer to an SEO strategy is, YES!

If you’re still being cynical about it, then keep reading. But remember, this post is NOT going to convince you to like SEO!

Rather, we will talk in the lines of DATA, the currency of modern industries. You’ll find a curated list of SEO-related stats and facts backed by data. These SEO stats were the outcome of a rigorous market study by reputed industry researchers. Hence, the primary objective of this post is to help you make a conscious decision regarding your SEO strategy 2022.

B2B SEO statistics

  1. B2B and B2C websites get 51% of the visitors by Organic search. (b2bdigitalmarketers)
  2. 42% of the total B2B buyers search on their mobile devices. (backlinko)
  3. Small businesses spend less than $1000 on SEO whereas more than $20,000 are spent by 45% of the enterprise-level companies. (b2bdigitalmarketers)
  4. 71% of Business to business researchers use google for research. (b2bdigitalmarketers)
  5. Before going to any websites the B2B buyers do 12 different searches. (backlinko)
  6. 62% of B2B marketers take SEO algorithms seriously and this is an important area for them. (contentmarketinginstitute)
  1. Out of total B2B marketers, 61% have said that organic traffic and SEO generates more leads when compared to other marketing initiatives. (inter-growth)
  2. Bounce rate, time on site, website visit, and pages per session are the top ranking factors. (b2bdigitalmarketers)
  3. More than $10,000 is invested by 46% of businesses. (codementor)
  4. Self serve options are needed by 39% of the B2B buyers. (hubspot.com)
  1. Out of all the pages available on the internet 66.31% of them have zero backlinks.(terakeet)
  2. Blogging gives companies 97% more backlinks to their sites.(backlinko)
  3. Long content gets over 77% more backlinks than shorter written articles.(terakeet)
  4. 55% of the websites don't get backlinks and that is why 91% of the websites do not attract any organic traffic. (cubeduel)
  5. More backlinks results in high organic traffic and higher search engine ranking.(terakeet)
  6. Google SERP results have 3.8 times more backlinks than the rest. (serpwatch)
  7. Ahrefs tool is used by 70% of digital marketers for link building. (codementor)
  8. The average paid guest post cost is $77.80. (codementor)
  9. The average word count of the articles in the first position is 2,416.(serpwatch)
  1. 63% of the business and marketers outsource link building routines with third parties. (codementor)
  2. It is reported by 34% of marketers that Moz domain has authority of 40 or more than 40. (codementor)

Search Engine, SERP & SEO Statistics

  1. 91.9% shares of the search engine market are owned by Google. (Statcounter)
  2. According to stats of Jan, 2022, 80% of the desktop traffic comes from Google globally. (NetMarketShare)
  3. More than 200 factors are used by google to rank the websites (Backlinko)
  4. Currently google has 86.86% of the total search engine market. (Statista)
  5. 68% of online experience starts from search engines. (terakeet)
  6. First page loading time on Google is 1.65 seconds on an average. (serpwatch)
  7. The Top 10 pages that are ranking on google are 3 or more years old. (Backlinko)
  1. 65% of the searches don't come from clicks. (terakeet.com)
  2. 53% of the US customers conduct a research before deciding whether to buy a product or not on a search engine. (terakeet.com)
  3. High ranking pages on search engines (SERPs) generate a 36% clickthrough rate. (backlinko)
  4. Improving organic presence and SEO on the website is the top most inbound marketing strategy of 61% of marketers. (HubSpot)
  5. By the year 2025, 75% of the users will only use mobile devices to access the internet. (CNBC)
  6. 810 SERP different and unique features are used by google. (hubspot.com)
  7. Google searches are 58% from mobile devices only. (hitwise)
  8. More than one search is clicked by 21% of searchers. (backlinko)
  9. URLs in the blog posts that have keywords accounts for 45% higher CTR. (onthemap)
  10. Meta descriptions are rewritten by google 62.78% of time. (onthemap)
  11. Questions that are phrased by searches are roughly 8% (backlinko)
  12. More than 60% of the population worldwide have access to the Internet. (getcredo)
  13. 51% of the website traffic are from Organic search where 5% comes from social media, 10% comes from paid search and the rest 34% comes from  other sources. (onlinemarketinggurus)
  14. Online reviews are personal recommendations of 79% of consumers. (inter-growth)
  15. Page that is ranked by google on the first page has an average of 1447 words. (backlinko)
  16. After reposting and updating the old articles organic traffic can grow by 106%. (serpwatch)
  17. Paid ads are ignored by 70-80% of internet users. (serpwatch)
  18. Out of all the searches 15% of the searches are never asked before and unique. (serpwatch)
  19. It is claimed by 65% of digital marketers that link building is challenging part of SEO.(codementor)

Local SEO statistics

  1. 45% of the global shoppers pick up the items from the store after purchasing it online. (terakeet.com)
  2. Store and product searches result in 28% of the purchase. (terakeet.com)
  3. Local information is searched by 46% of the people on google. (serpwatch)
  4. Over 76% of the people who search in their local area visit business in a day and out of that 28% purchase something. (getcredo)
  5. Google maps are used by 86% of users to find local business. (safaridigital)
  6. Near me keywords are searched often and increased 136% by last year. (safaridigital)
  7. Before choosing local services 88% of potential customers look for online reviews. (safaridigital)
  8. Google mobile searches are 30% related to location. (safaridigital)
  9. It is admitted by the companies that 70% of the videos improve brand awareness. (serpwatch)
  10. Small businesses failed to include the H1 tag on their websites 25% of time. (backlinko)
  1. Searches for keywords like where to find/where to buy and where to get have increased by 1.3 times. (getcredo)

Video SEO statistics

  1. Including video as a digital marketing strategy assists in faster revenue growth stated by 49% of the marketers. (terakeet.com)
  2. More than a billion hours are spent on YouTube everyday. (terakeet.com)
  3. Average length of first page videos is 14 minutes and 50 seconds. (backlinko)
  4. YouTube first page resulted in 68.2% of HD videos. (codementor)
  5. For all B2B marketers Video will be the top investment.(hubspot.com)
  6. Second most viewed website is YouTube on the internet. (codementor)
  7. The videos that get new subscribers acquire high rank on the YouTube platform. (klientboost.com)
  8. Out of total video marketers 87% says that video has maximised their traffic for websites. (hubspot.com)
  9. Online videos are considered by 55% of shoppers before shopping in store. (onthemap.com)
  10. Out of many online sources, youtube appears under top 10. (onthemap.com)
  11. Articles and posts that contain videos gain more backlinks and also get 157% boost in search traffic. (klientboost.com)
  12. Some engagement metrics like number of shares, comments, likes and views give higher video ranking. (codementor)

Mobile SEO statistics

  1. For mobile devices the cut off load time is 5 seconds.(safaridigital.com)
  2. Half of the website traffic is generated by mobile devices excluding the tablets. (hubspot.com)
  3. Poorly designed websites are not recommended by 57% of the users.(safaridigital.com)
  4. Search engines are used by 87% of smartphone users. (klientboost.com)
  5. People use Mobile voice searches 3 times more than text searches. (backlinko)
  6. 58% of the google searches come from mobile accounts. (backlinko)
  7. 51% of mobile users discovered various new products and companies by searching on their mobile device. (backlinko)
  8. Organic search results from desktop gets approx 19.3% of the clicks and from mobile devices gets 27.7% of clicks. (terakeet.com)
  9. Before visiting a store users make more than 30% mobile searches. (safaridigital.com)
  10. Organic CTR on desktop is 50% more than that of mobile. (backlinko)
  11. Site that is optimised for mobile search is trusted by 51% of the users. (safaridigital.com)
  12. 205 of the queries are generated by voice searches only. (backlinko)
  13. For driving traffic for shopping sites search engines are 10 times more effective than social media. (safaridigital)
  14. SEO generates more than 1000% of organic traffic than from social media. (terakeet.com)
  15. 85.8% more impressions are gained by mobile search on desktop. (onthemap.com)
  16. 5 to 6 hours are spent by Americans on their phone excluding work related use. (inter-growth)
  17. 62% of the google paid ads are due to Paid clicks. (codementor)
  18. 70.4% of voice search pages are due to HTTPS websites. (backlinko)
  19. Google search results get 1199 facebook shares and 44 tweets on an average. (codementor)
  20. Websites rank good by voice search if they are linked with strong link authority.  (backlinko)
  21. Search is conducted by 87% of users at least once a day on mobile. (codementor)
  22. Featured snippets drive 40.7% of answers which are delivered by voice searches. (codementor)

Keyword SEO Stats

  1. 40,000 keywords are searched every second followed by more than 3.5 billion searches in a day and 1.2 trillion searches in a year. (getcredo)
  2. Over 1.5 billion locations of business are searched by people which is related to keywords that they search on google search engines. (getcredo)
  3. Keywords that are searched on google comprise 16-20% of keywords that are not searched before. (getcredo)
  4. 59.2% of the google traffic comes from organic search. (backlinko)
  5. 200 algorithms are used by google to rank websites. (backlinko)
  6. On average the most of the backlinks of top ranking web pages comes from keywords. (getcredo)
  7. Searching keywords on search engines starts the online session 93% of time. (getcredo)
  8. More than 50% of the marketers say that organic traffic and keyword ranking is important to check the success of SEO strategies. (hubspot.com)
  9. 60.67% of searches are due to 0.16% of popular keywords. (codementor)
  10. Strategic keywords are the best strategy according to 71% of the marketers. (hubspot.com)
  11. Out of 13.5% keywords that consist of less than 10 searches have only one or two words. (codementor)

Content and Blogging SEO strategy

  1. 48% of companies provide blogs that have a content marketing strategy. (hubspot.com)
  2. Blogs are read by 77% of internet users. (ahrefs)
  3. 70% of marketers use and invest in content marketing.(hubspot.com)
  4. 54% decision makers review and read thought-leadership content and spend more than 1 hour on that. (hubspot.com)
  5. More than 53% website visitors don't stay on a website if it takes more than 3s to load. (inter-growth)
  6. Bloggers who post more than 10 images in post generate strong results. (ahrefs)
  7. Out of 1.9 Billion websites there are more than 600 million blogs in the world. (ahrefs)
  8. Organic traffic is increased by 111.3% simply by updating images and content. (codementor)
  9. Blog Posts four hour to write on an average. (ahrefs)
  10. It is said by 48% of website owners that they drop videos and animation to increase load time. (codementor)
  11. According to the past year more than 7 billion blogs were posted on each day. (getcredo)
  12. It is agreed by 57% of SEO experts that marketing and content creation drive best results. (codementor)
  13. 9/10 blog pages are not seen in search traffic. (serpwatch)
  14. Indexation rates are improved by 434% through content creation. (codementor)
  15. The conversion rate of any website falls by approx. 4.42% at every second of load time. (codementor)
  16. Long written headlines in blogs give better results than shorter headlines by 76.7%. (ahrefs). 

Social Media SEO 

  1. For all the marketers facebook is the main content distribution channel. (hubspot.com)
  2.  98.3% of all facebook users use apps on smartphones. (hubspot.com)
  3. To maximise social shares the ideal content length is 1000-2000 words. (ahrefs)
  4. From the last 12 months more than 400 million users have increased on social media. (statusbrew)
  5. Currently Instagram has more than 500+ million active daily users. (hubspot.com)
  6. Social network accounts are used by 6 out of every 10 users. (statusbrew)
  7. Google smart speakers and Alexa are used by more than 47 million people in the US. (codementor)
  8. 10 hours on an average is spent by users on Instagram. (hubspot.com)
  9. Largest B2B display adviser in the US is LinkedIn at 32.3%. (hubspot.com)
  10. Website is the 2nd most used channel by marketers behind social media. (hubspot.com)
  11. 45% of the internet users review and research products on social media. (statusbrew)
  12. Short form videos are considered an effective strategy by 85% of marketers. (statusbrew)
  13. More than half of internet users stop viewing content when they encounter any problem or issue. (ahrefs)

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